You’ve been injured in an accident and its no fault of your own. Due to circumstances beyond your control you have no health benefits to cover your medical treatment. You’ve retained an attorney and have been fortunate enough to have gained access to some office-based providers that have been willing to treat you now and wait for payment when your case is over.
After some time, you haven’t resolved and have been told that your only option is surgery. The problem is that without health benefits, or at least acceptable benefits, the surgeons won’t do the surgery and the surgical facility won’t accept you as a patient. You need surgery now but you don’t have access. What can you do?
Surgifactors offers financial solutions that help provide you with access to the surgery you need when you need it. We speak with your surgeon, surgery center and attorney to determine if your case will qualify you for our program. In essence, we work as an intermediary to find an acceptable financial solution so that all parties are satisfied and their needs are met. From a financial perspective, you get the surgery you need at the published rates charged by the surgery providers. This is done with no upfront costs. From a health perspective, you receive the surgery you need when you need it allowing you to return to your prior life activities as best as possible.
If this sounds similar to your situation, you should call Surgifactors to discuss your situation. If your circumstances support our assistance we will meet with you and your attorney to discuss the options available. We may have a solution that meets your needs and set you on the path to restored health.